SCO VisionFS: White Paper

SCO Vision Family File and Print Services

A Quick Tour

System Requirements

Supported Servers
Supported Clients
Supported TCP/IP Stacks

Core Server
Reserved Ports
Master Daemon
Session Master
Session Engine

Naming and Browsing
File Locking
Profile Editor
Server Restart

TCP/IP Client
Minimum Requirements


This document gives an in depth analysis of SCO VisionFS, a member of the SCO Vision Family of products which provides file and print services. It presents a technology-centric view of the product, rather than a list of features (although some examples of features are used by way of explanation). SMB is the standard that Microsoft uses for file and print services between Windows clients. To allow UNIX files and printers to be shared by Windows clients, the UNIX server must understand the SMB protocol. SCO VisionFS provides this solution - an SMB server for UNIX that provides file and print services to Windows clients similar to the peer - to - peer services provided by

  • Windows 3.11
  • Windows 95

Thereby allowing files and printers on a UNIX server to be shared by Microsoft Windows clients.



  • Solaris (Sparc) 2.3 and upwards For information on availability for other platforms and versions, visit the SCO Web site

Supported Clients

  • Microsoft Windows 3.11
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Windows NT

Supports CIFS for accessing files across the Internet/Intranet.

Supported TCP/IP Stacks

Any TCP/IP stack that supports the Microsoft file and print services is compatible with SCO VisionFS. The Microsoft networking does not use WINSOCK compliant API and so not all TCP/IP stacks are guaranteed to be compatible. The current list of compatible stacks are:

  • Microsoft TCP/IP (VxD) (supplied with product)
  • Windows 95 and NT stacks